Mohamad Sawan
M.Sc., Ph.D., FIEEE, FRSC, FCAE, FEIC, O.Q., Chair Professor, Westlake University, and Emeritus Professor, Polytechnique Montréal.
Administrative experience in affiliated Universities
2019-… | Elected member of the Academic Committee of the School of Engineering, Westlake University; |
2010-19 | Elected member of the Appeal Committee of the Polytechnique Montreal; |
2006-09 | Elected member of faculty promotion committee; |
2000-03 | Committee chair of a new Microelectronics engineering curriculum in collaboration with McGill University and University of Sherbrooke. The application was submitted in 2003; |
2001-08 | Member of the graduate program committee for the Department of Electrical Engineering; |
2000-10 | Member of the selection committee of new faculties for the Department of Electrical Engineering; |
2000-04 | Member of the Da Vinci laureate selection committee for best undergraduate students; |
1998-00 | Elected member of the tenure committee (comité de probation); |
1998-00 | Member of the sabbatical and industrial leave committee; |
1998-00 | Founder of a specialisation in Microelectronics at the Electrical Engineering Department; |
1998 | Member of the teaching commission; |
1998 | Member of the promotion committee of the Electrical Engineering Department; |
1997 | Member of the graduate study committee of the Electrical Engineering Department; |
1996-04 | Coordinator of the Electronics Division, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; |
1995-97 | Member of the Consultative Committee for advanced training leave of absence. |
1994-… | Founder and director of the Polystimneurotechnologies Laboratory (Polystim). |
Administrative experience at the national and international levels
2020 | General Conference Chair of the IEEE International Engineering, Medicine and Biology Conference; |
2018-… | Vice-President Publications of the IEEE Circuis and Systems Society; |
2016 | General Chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuis and Systems; |
2014-… | Member of the International Life-Science Technical Community Committee; |
2013-15 | Member and Chair of the International Biomedical Award Committee; |
2012-18 | Elected member (2 terms) of the Board of Governors of IEEE Circuis and Systems Society; |
2012-… | General Co-Chair of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Microelectronics (ICM); |
2011 | General Co-Chair of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS); |
2011-… | External Examiner of Ph.D. thesis in Several Universities in Canada, Europe, Americas and Asia; |
2011-… | Promotion External Reviewer in Several Universities in Canada, United-States, Middle East, and Asia. |
2009-10 | Promotion Committee in Montpellier University, Montpellier, France |
2009-11 | Member of the NSERC Grant Selection Committee. |
2008 | Promotion Committee in Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon |
2007-15 | Promotion Committee in Metz University, Metz, France |
2006 | Member of Graduate Program Committee at UQTR |
2003 | Founder and General Chair/co-Chair of the IEEE Int. NEWCAS Conference; |
2003-… | Member of the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE-ICSICT (China), SETIT, IEEE-ISCAS, IEEE-BiOCAS, IEEE-MWSCAS, IEEE-APCCAS (Asia), IEEE-ICM; |
2003-… | Principal investigator of a $21M Pan-Canada grant application from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation to acquire a MicroElectronic Design Automation Laboratory; |
2002 | Co-Chair of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Microelectronics (ICM); |
2000 | Co-Chair of the IEEE Int. Conf. On Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS); |
1999-05 | Member of Micronet (Federal Network of Centre of Excellence in microelectronics); |
1999-… | Founder and Chair of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Montreal Chapter; |
1999-02 | Member of the NSERC Grant Selection Committee. |
1999-… | Director of the FQRNT “Regroupement Stratégique en Microsystèmes du Québec (ReSMiQ)”; |
1999-… | Scientific Advisor of two Canadian biomedical companies (Victhom Human Bionic, Scanview); |
1998-01 | Member of an Interuniversity Committee for Microelectronics common teaching at UQAM; |
1997-99 | Reviewer for the John Wiley & Sons for the Encyclopedia of Electrical and Eletronics Engineering; |
1996-00 | Co-editor of scientific publications (one per month) in the “Journal Industriel du Québec”; |
1996 | Member of the international Committee for admission and promotion of IEEE membership; |
1995-… | Co-Founder and member of the IEEE Int’l Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS); |
1994-97 | Member of the committee of Microelectronics activities in the province of Québec; |
1993-96 | Member of Grant Selection Committee, Fonds pour la formation de chercheurs et l’aide à la recherche; |
1993-98 | Member of GRIAO research center committees (Presentely ReSMiQ). |
1991-00 | Consultant for several Canadian companies leading suppliers of Microelectronics (COSEM Neurostim Ltd, Alliance Medical Inc., SIAL Geosciences Inc., Goal Semiconductors, and CAE Electronics). |
1991-… | Reviewer for several conference proceedings, (ISCAS, MWSCAS, ICECS, CCECE, ICM, IFESS, etc); |
1991-… | Reviewer for refereed Journals (IEEE Trans on BME, RNE, PDT, CAS I & II, D&T, Computer, etc.); |
1991-19 | Reviewer of grant applications for various private & governmental agencies (Manning, NSERC, etc); |
1991-… | Member of the organization committees of several int. conferences (DFT, CCECE, ICECS, VTS, ISCAS, MWSCAS, NewCAS, etc.). |
1988-89 | Member of REMDUS (Regroupement des Étudiants en Maîtrise et Doctorat de l’Univ. de Sherbrooke); |
1987-89 | Member of the executive AEGSA (Association des Étudiants Gradués en Sciences Appliquées). |
Teaching experience in affiliated Universities
2020-… | Graduate course on “Digital System Design” covering hardware description language intended for circuit design techniques, Westlake University; |
2019-… | Graduate course on “Frontiers of Electronics”, offered by 4 faculties, covering main electronic emerging topics, I am in charge of microelectronics fondamentals, Westlake University; |
2008-19 | Graduate and undergraduate course on “Smart Medical Devices” covering circuits techniques & electrodes for biosensors and actuators, École Polytechnique; |
2000-12 | Graduate-level course on “Biomedical instrumentation” offered by several faculties, covering instrumentation principles. I am in charge of magnetic and electrical stimulation from the principle to system design, École Polytechnique; |
1999-15 | Graduate level course on “Microelectronics” offered by many faculties, covering main high technology fields. I am in charge of the microelectronics and microsystems domains from the principle to system design, École Polytechnique; |
1993-03 | Graduate level course on “Norms and Protocols” including most issues regarding standards and communication protocols. I coordinated the teaching of up to six lecturers from local industry, École Polytechnique; |
1993-19 | Graduate level course on Analog and Mixed-Signal Microelectronics dedicated to biomedical and other industrial system design. The course contains various basic rules on integrated circuits and systems design and new Analog and Mixed-Signal circuit techniques. Course and laboratory books were introduced to the students, École Polytechnique; |
1991-… | Supervisor and co-supervisor of more than 35 graduate students (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) in fundamental and applied microelectronics in biomedical and other industrial applications. Other students (more than 150) completed their Master and Ph.D. degrees (see research contributions part of this resume); |
1991-19 | Supervision of more than 200 undergraduate students conducting microelectronic projects. These projects are conditional for students to complete their B.Eng. degrees; |
1991-19 | Undergraduate level teaching, Department of Electrical & Computer Eng., École Polytechnique: Digital Systems Design (2 times per year). This course includes Mixed logic, FSM based systems, memories, mixed circuits, various Advanced Field Programmable Devices. Experiments include systems based on EPROM, PALs, FPGA, HDL and VHDL under ViewLogic CAD tools and ACTEL devices. Dedicated course and laboratory books were introduced to the students. |
Teaching experience at the national and international levels
2019 | Circuit Techniques Intended for Smart Brain-Machine Interfaces, one-week intensive courses, Shenzhen, (See appendix C – List of contributions); |
2016 | Circuits, Microsystems and Packaging Techniques Intended for Autonomous Brain-Machine Interfaces, one-week intensive courses, DTU, Delhi, India, (See appendix C – List of contributions); |
2013 | Smart Implantable Brain-Machine Interfaces Intended for Sensing and Subsequent Treatment, one-month intensive courses (See appendix C – List of contributions); |
2006 | Brain-Machine-Brain Interfaces, one-hour seminar and half-day/one-day tutorials in various conferences worldwide (See Appendix C – List of contributions); |
2005 | Designing Biomedical Circuits and Systems, half-day tutorial at the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Japan; |
2003-06 | Wireless Circuits and Systems to Build Smart Medical Devices, half-day tutorials offered in different countries (France, Singapore, India, Malysia, Porto-Rico, etc…) by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society distinguished lecture program; |
1999 | Analog and Mixed-signal Microelectronics, one-day tutorial at the Interuniversity Research Group in Computer Architecture and VLSI; |
1999-… | Analog and Mixed-signal Microelectronics, 12-day intensive course at the ENIS, Sfax, Tunisia; |
1997-01 | Design of digital systems, Videoconference teaching for the Department of Applied Sciences, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi; |
1995 | Designing Biomedical & Industrial Systems using Field Programmable Devices, half-day tutorial at the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems; |
1993 | Programmable Devices; architecture and systems design methods, one-day tutorial at the Interuniversity Research Group in Computer Architecture and VLSI; |
1989-90 | Electronic Systems, Logic Circuits and Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits, Session lectures, Department of Electrical Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke; |
1986-90 | Co-Supervisor of more than 12 graduate and undergraduate students in microelectronics (VLSI design projects and microprocessor based systems) and realization of biocompatible electrodes and packaging of sensory implants. Department of Electrical Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke; |
1983-88 | Teaching Assistant in Electronic systems, Design of VLSI ICs, Logic circuits, Linear circuits and systems, and Electromagnetic energy transport. Université Laval and Université de Sherbrooke ; |
1985-86 | Teaching Assistant in acoustics: Simulation of sound waveforms, Université de Sherbrooke; |
1985 | Lecturer on “Microcomputer peripherals”, Collège de Sherbrooke. |